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Preferred Equity

Extraordinary debt & equity solutions for over 20 years.

Preferred Equity

Our experience, expertise and unparalleled resources will give you the competitive edge.

Preferred Equity

Our experience over the past 20 years in preferred equity and construction loan funding provides you with an edge in the market by achieving funding objectives, quickly and effectively. We will provide you with the best preferred equity interest rates and terms available at the time of applying.

A property developer’s ability to acquire new projects directly relates to the amount of equity/cash the developer is required to contribute to the project. Through prudent financial structuring Prudential Finance can maximise a developer’s debt gearing to free up capital for the next project.

See a related finance structure Mezzanine Finance.


Similar to mezzanine finance, although the security taken is preference shares in the project company and related to property development projects, is the next level of risk capital that sits on top of, or replaces mezzanine finance.

An interest rate may be charged or a profit share at the end of the project. Or both.

Interest is capitalised due the term of the loan and therefore no repayments are required during the construction period.